101 Listings found related to "Jeans" in YellPk Business Yellow Pages


COTTON N JEANS9, Spinzar Plaza, University Rd., Peshawar 25120, NWFP, PakistanPhone: 9291-5843277

Tags: Garments, Readymade Garments, Jeans, Jeans Mfrs. & Exporters,

City: Peshawar

Cotton Web

Cotton Web19-Km, Gt Road Near Bagh Wali Pulli Mannawan, Lahore, Punjab, PakistanPhone: 9242-6543798-6543707Fax: 9242-6543827Email: khanm342@shoa.net.URL: http://www.cottonweb.net.pk

Tags: Garments, Jackets, Jeans, Shirts & Blouses,

City: Bagh


CRESCENT GREENWOOD LIMITED40/A, Off Zafar Ali Road Gulberg-V, Lahore, Punjab, PakistanPhone: 9242-111245245 / 5717658 / 5717651 / 5716195 / 5716191Fax: 9242-6666601

Tags: Garments, Denim Garments, Readymade Garments, Jeans, Jeans Mfrs. & Exporters,

City: Lahore

Decent Export

RESPECTED VIEWERSDecent Export are the Manufacturer and Exporters of all Kinds of Kitchen Items, Promotional Aprons, Kitchen Sets, Kitchen towels, Kitchen Wears,…

Tags: Kitchen Ware All Sorts Mfr.,

City: Faisalabad

Domtex Industries.

Domtex Industries.Bungalow No.A-6, Block No.15, Karachi, Sindh, PakistanPhone: 9221-8121371Fax: 9221-8134335Email: domtex@cyber.net.pk

Tags: Bathrobe, Jeans, Sweaters,

City: Karachi

Duaa Establishment

Duaa EstablishmentRoom No.1 1st Floor Ahmed Mehal, Rupchand Belaram Road, Aram Bagh, Karachi, Sindh, PakistanPhone: 9221-2212897Fax: 9221-2214254Email: duaa@softhome.net

Tags: Bathrobe, Garments, Jackets, Jeans, Jogging Suits,

City: Bagh


EUROPA JEANSPlot #4 Sector, C-4, Landhi Industrial Area Ext. Export Processing, Karachi, Sindh, PakistanPhone: 9221-5082082 / 5082080Fax: 9221-5082083Email:…

Tags: Garments, Denim Garments, Readymade Garments,

City: Karachi

Fashion Sneaker Trade Co., Ltd

Welcome to our site: www jersey-sneak com Fashion Sneaker Trade Co., Ltd is a worldwide leader in offering hundreds of thousands of high-quality products and…


FATEH JEANS LIMITEDP.O.Box No.427, Hali Road, Hyderabad, Sindh, PakistanPhone: 9222-3860725

Tags: Garments, Readymade Garments,

City: Hyderabad


FATEH JEANS LTD.P.O. Box 5678 9th Floor, Adamjee House I.I.Chundrigar Road, Karachi, Sindh, PakistanPhone: 9221-2412610 / 2415910Fax: 9221-2416748

Tags: Underwear & Nightwear, Bedwear,

City: Karachi

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